Are you interested in purchasing a package from Sotrender? We’re glad to hear that! Now you just need simple instructions on how to make your payment.
You can pay for Sotrender in one of two ways: either through a traditional transfer or through the application.
They’re both pretty straightforward, and if you need help along the way, we’ll be ready to answer your calls or messages!
With a traditional money transfer, you just have to fill out Sotrender’s bank details and make the payment. Users that are in touch with our Sales team usually go through this route.
Alternatively, you can make a contactless purchase through the application. You can do it at any stage of your free trial. You should see an upgrade button next to the number of days of your free trial.
Once you press upgrade, you’ll have to pick the type of package you want to buy.
Then, fill out some details in a form and choose your payment method. You can pay by PayPal or by credit card, but we don’t use AmEx just yet.
And that’s all! Now you have Sotrender for the amount of time that suits you best.
We hope your social media strategy and performance will benefit from using Sotrender’s analyzing and reporting!