Increase your ads effectiveness

in the Meta ecosystem even by 24%

What is Sotrender Ads Optimization?

Sotrender Ads Optimization is an innovative solution that allows marketers to find target group settings and ad placements in the Meta ecosystem that help reduce the cost of ad buys, achieving better results within the set budget.

Czym jest Optymalizacja w Sotrender Ads?

How does it work?

The Optimization operates based on artificial intelligence algorithms that, learned from hundreds of thousands of ads from the Meta ecosystem, are able to detect patterns in marketing campaign settings that can significantly affect cost reductions and final results.

What is vitally important – our model is regularly updated to account for any changes in the Meta ecosystem.

Jak to działa?
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Start optimizing your advertising activities in Meta

Key benefits

Increased efficiency

Achieve better results within the same ad budget.

Ready-to-use solutions

Save time and get ready suggestions on recommended ad settings.

Full control

Be fully decisive about implementing the recommendations proposed by our model.

Acting in your best interest

Unlike the Meta ecosystem, our algorithms only work to your advantage.

Competitive advantage

Get access to solutions your competitors are not yet using.

Achieve better ad results

By using Ad Optimization, you will get ready-to-use recommendations about your ad settings. Implementing them will result in decreased CPC, CPM, or CPE (depending on your ad objective). This means you will generate more impressions, clicks, or engagement from every penny you spend on advertising, and you will achieve better results with the same budget.

Osiągaj lepsze wyniki reklamowe

When tested on a hundred ads, up to 70% of them performed better.

Take care of your ad budget

Our model, unlike the automated Advantage+ settings in Ads Manager, works only in your interest (not in the interest of the advertising platform).

The goal of our recommendations is always to find settings that will reduce the cost of reaching your target audience with an advertising message. This is especially important at a time when so many marketers are struggling with limited ad budgets.

Dbaj o swój budżet reklamowy

Who is this for?

For marketing and advertising agencies

For in-house marketing teams

For freelancers

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Learn how Sotrender can help you achieve your business goals

Using Optimization allows you to improve your results by an average of 24%* from every penny spent on advertising.

* depending on the campaign objective – increasing the number of impressions, ad clicks, or engagement
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Start optimizing your advertising activities in Meta