What’s better for personal branding? [INFOGRAPHIC]


To be or not to be (on Facebook) – that is the question! In our previous blog posts (here, here and here), we wrote that being on Facebook is beneficial for personal branding. Today we’re going to dig into this matter a bit more by discussing the choice between running a Page or a personal profile.

We’re going to look at Facebook and it’s options for personal branding, as they can be pretty confusing. Should you use your private, personal profile for branding or set up your own Page? It’s time to get familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of using each of these options.

There are two main ways of making a ‘business card’ on Facebook: you can use Facebook Pages and create your own, or you can use a pre-existing profile you have on the platform. Whatever you choose – choose wisely, and know how to make the most of the potential found in either. Take a look at our special dedicated infographics about the most important differences between a Facebook Page and a profile.


Good practices for personal branding with FB Pages:

  • Creating posts offers a variety of possibilities for a FB Page. It’s just too good not to be fully utilized! Make the most of formats such as Canvas, Carousel, Link Post, Offer, or Slideshow.
  • Optimize your social media presence and save a lot of time and money. Analyse your performance with Facebook Insights or Sotrender.
  • Play with Messenger Bots – they can make your brand not only be regarded as modern and developed, but your marketing strategy could inspire others to follow suit in the future. You can find this list of bots very inspirational: https://botlist.co/platforms/13-messenger

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Good practices for personal branding with personal profiles:

  • Never underestimate the power of mentions! With mentions, you can notify people in your post and therefore encourage them to take part in a discussion or solve a problem.
  • Join groups! Not only for following trends and discussions, but to actively take part in them. This is a great way to get noticed and build a professional network.
  • Always check who you’re sharing your content with. Privacy settings offer options to choose which audience will receive each of your published pieces.

There is no universal choice that works for everyone.

You can start building your brand with your profile alone; just double-check what you share and who can see it. If you have more content to share and your personal brand acts as a business card, consider setting up your own Page and running your activity there. However, keep one thing in mind – even if you divide your social media presence between your personal and business side, at some point you won’t be able to hide your personal profile. People interested in what you’re doing will try to find your private side of life.

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