CEE F CUP 2012 infographic

For the special occasion of ESOMAR CEE Research Forum 2012, held in Cracow, Sotrender team prepared special report and infographic CEE F CUP 2012 concerning car brands’ activity on Facebook fanpages in different countries from CEE region.

The report analyse activities on 8 car brands’ Facebook fanpages of: Audi, BMW, Citroen, Ford, Kia Motors, Mercedes, Opel, Peugeot, Skoda and Volkswagen operating in eight CEE countries: Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine and Russia.

According to Sotrender’s research, the biggest fanpages are established in Germany, where all of national brands’ fanpages surpass the amount of 100 000 fans. On the other hand, the smallest ones can be found in Ukraine where the biggest fanpage, Citroen, recently hit the 10 000 fans threshold.

The award for the biggest car brand’s fanpage, should go to Audi fanpage, whereas the award for the most engaging fanpage in analysed countries of CEE region should go to BMW.


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