Sometimes you post a comment and then realize that something’s wrong with it. Misspelling a word, tagging the wrong person, or even posting it on the wrong post. And sometimes you want to delete a rude comment that someone left under your photo. Thankfully, Instagram lets you delete comments, even if it’s not so obvious how to do it ar first.

But it’s really easy – you just need to complete the following steps:

  • First – Tap the ‘Comment’ button under the photo to see all comments.
  • Touch the comment that you want to delete and swipe left until the trashcan icon appears on the screen.
  • Tap on the trashcan icon and then click ‘Delete’.
  • Re-write your comment so that it’s how you intended.

That’s all it takes. Keep this in mind any time you notice any mistakes you’ve made.

Start analyzing your Instagram performance

Read also:
  1. How do I use Instagram mentions?
  2. How do I use direct messages on Instagram?
  3. Who should I follow on Instagram?