With over 1 billion users, there’s no better place to build your brand awareness than Facebook. It’s not an easy task; you’re not the first entrepreneur wanting to do so. There’s over 50 million business Pages on Facebook. The competition is tough, but you’re not lost. Not with us.

Make your brand memorable

Think about a feature that makes you memorable and use it when communicating. Be it the most delicious pancakes on this side of the Mississippi, a view of the Rocky Mountains from your hotel, or anything else. Remember, your company is not only about your products or your services. Apple isn’t about new iPhones, it’s about innovation and changing everyday life. Coca-Cola isn’t about a drink, it’s about friends and family. Know what your brand is about and communicate it.  

To help yourself find a way to make your brand stand out, answer the following questions (taken from Heidi Cohen’s blog):

  • What’s in your name? Is there a special story to it?
  • What makes your company, product and/or offering unique? What does it have that your competitors does not?
  • How do you define your brand’s niche? To whom is your brand dedicated?
  • What facts about your brand give your customer proof?
  • What’s your brand essence in plain language? Explain in the simplest words possible.

Tell a story

Every successful brand tells a story. A great story. It’s not how it was founded or who did what. That’s important, but more important are the values your brand represents. They have to be both unique and general enough that people can relate to. Your story is a foundation of what your brand is now and what it wants to be. It represents the past, present, and future. Think of it deeply and carefully. If you don’t have any ideas, we recommend you try this guide by the invaluable Neil Patel.

You don’t have to explicitly express your story. People can deduce it based on your behaviours over social media. Like other Pages, post images that reflect your brand values. What you support tells your story too. Remember that. In fact, everything you do should tell your brand story. All of this makes your brand stand out.

Start analyzing your Facebook performance

Read also:

  1. Who is on Facebook?
  2. What kind of pictures can I post to Facebook?
  3. Should I start advertising on Facebook?