Top 8 LinkedIn Tips and Tricks to Grow Your Business in 2024

LinkedIn is the largest professional platform with over 930 million users. It is an invaluable tool for businesses that not only helps to advertise their offerings but also builds long-lasting connections and relations with their audiences.

Statistics reveal that 96% of marketers use LinkedIn to boost organic social marketing. Additionally, 77% of marketers claim that the platform generates the best organic results. Impressive, right?

Safe to say, if you are not leveraging LinkedIn, you are truly missing out.

That said, simply creating a business profile on LinkedIn will serve no good. You need an effective and strategic LinkedIn marketing strategy to grow your footprint and position your business for growth.

Today, we will discuss the most effective ways to use LinkedIn for business. Following these LinkedIn tips and tricks will help your brand build awareness and engagement on the platform. 

Top LinkedIn Tips and Tricks to Grow Your Business

1. Utilize LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator is an indispensable asset for sales representatives. The tool simplifies the process of identifying, contacting, and staying up-to-date with customers, prospects, and referrals.

Sales Navigator gives sales reps an edge over their competition. It helps them effectively leverage their network and build a strong lead generation database.

Here is how every sales team can benefit from this tool:

  • Helps to recognize potential customers
  • Streamlines prospecting workflows
  • Discover actionable insights on their prospects
  • Makes it easier to connect with decision-makers

Sales Navigator utilizes the extensive user database of LinkedIn to offer relevant and accurate lead information. It combines the power of data analytics, advanced algorithms, and user input to deliver highly accurate results for your LinkedIn lead generation efforts. Sales Navigator also offers users to scrape detailed contact information from targeted prospects profile using LinkedIn email finder to enhance outreach efforts. 

Businesses can use the tool to identify prospects using advanced filters and engage with them through personalized outreach. This level of granularity ensures laser-focused lead generation. 

2. Leverage LinkedIn’s Talent Insights

Another brilliant way for businesses to grow on LinkedIn is to harness the power of Talent Insights. These insights enable talent acquisition professionals to make smart hiring decisions.

The incredible LinkedIn tool translates member profiles into distinct data points. This information is then gathered and standardized for comparison at a macro level.

Below is an example of a Company Report generated through the tool that enables businesses to understand their own talent level at the organization and how well they are performing in attracting and retaining employees. Based on these reports, businesses can tweak their job portal data to attract the right talent. 

Moving on, here are the top use cases of LinkedIn Talent Insights for businesses:

  1. Creating a sourcing strategy: Understand where talent is and where it is going to streamline the recruiting process
  2. Workforce planning: Obtain a holistic view of the latest labor market trends
  3. Competitive intelligence: Compare your business to your peers in the industry
  4. Employer branding: Understand how different audience groups are engaging with your employer brand

3. Take Advantage of LinkedIn’s Publishing Platform

LinkedIn is the only social media network that offers a brilliant publishing platform. And with 930 million members, it certainly provides a great opportunity to expand your content’s reach in a major way.

LinkedIn’s publishing feature lets you write articles and share them directly on your page. Each time you publish a post, your connections are automatically notified. This gives your content more eyeballs.

Additionally, publishing valuable content on the platform can position you as a thought leader. You can also repurpose your old content or indulge in content syndication activities for effective content marketing on LinkedIn.

Moving on, here are some essential tips to create high-quality and engaging content on LinkedIn:

  • Keep posts between 400 and 600 words
  • Pay attention to the cover image
  • Add images of compelling statistics
  • Cover industry topics
  • Focus on creating evergreen content
  • Regularly evaluate content performance

4. Analyze LinkedIn Content for Better Performance

Constantly evaluating your content performance on LinkedIn is crucial to making the most of the platform.

LinkedIn analytics lets you track the progress of your content pieces. It can help you identify which type of content is resonating with your target audience. These insights are valuable to boost engagement.

Moving on, there are two significant ways to measure content performance on LinkedIn:

  • LinkedIn’s built-in analytical tools
  • Third-party tools such as Sotrender

Sotrender presents a simple way to analyze your LinkedIn content and boost your organic visibility. It lets you analyze various aspects of your LinkedIn presence and generate comprehensive reports for easy analysis.

linkedin content performance analysis

Analyze your content performance with Sotrender

One of the most useful LinkedIn tips and tricks you should follow in order to boost your content performance is to monitor your post stats carefully. Sotrender’s Content Performance chart will allow you to understand what content categories were the most effective when it comes to organic reach or user engagement. 

Start analyzing your LinkedIn performance

5. Monitor Your Competitors with LinkedIn’s Competitor Analytics

LinkedIn facilitates business growth with this essential tool – Competitor Analytics. It enables you to find out what your competitors are doing on the platform. This, in turn, can help you boost your public image, presence, and awareness.

To access the Competitor Analytics dashboard, you can navigate to your company page, open the Analytics tab, and locate the Competitors panel, as shown in the image below.

Moving on, there are two crucial things that you can track with this tool:

  • Follower Metrics: This shows your competitor’s total number of followers. It also shows their new followers filtered by a pre-defined time range.
  • Organic Content Metrics: This shows your competitor’s posts and engagements, filtered by a pre-defined time range.

These metrics can help you gauge your competitor’s brand performance on LinkedIn compared to you. It can also help you evaluate the LinkedIn engagement rate benchmark which is typically around 5%.

6. Collaborate with Other Businesses through LinkedIn Partner Programs

LinkedIn Partner Programs are partnerships or initiatives where one business can collaborate with another business to enhance visibility on the platform.

Whether the goal is to nurture a community, reach a new audience group, or create compelling content, these programs can help.

According to a report by LinkedIn, 1 in every 5 marketers on the platform is leveraging a LinkedIn partner to achieve their goals.

The first step to ensuring success through LinkedIn Partner Programs is identifying the right partners. Shortlist businesses that have a similar or compatible customer base. For instance, if you run a fitness studio, you could associate with a business that offers healthy food supplies. Such a partnership will add value to your own audience.

Once you have shortlisted a potential partner, clearly communicate your goals and objectives. Establish mutual benefits to build trust and rapport. Finally, promote your partner’s offerings to your customers. Don’t forget to track website visitors to measure the success of your partner program.

7. Use LinkedIn Elevate to Empower Employee Advocacy

According to research by LinkedIn, only 2% of employees re-share their company’s content on their own profile. Yet, this marginal figure of 2% drives 20% of overall engagement for companies, including likes, shares, comments, and clicks. Staggering numbers, isn’t it?

Companies on LinkedIn have lacked the tools needed to empower their employees to become social advocates. But with the arrival of LinkedIn Elevate, companies can do just that.

LinkedIn Elevate allows companies and employees to quickly create high-quality content, seamlessly share it with their social networks, and gauge the impact.

Here are the steps to set up an employee advocacy program with LinkedIn Elevate:

  • Plan your employee advocacy program: Determine the type of content you want your employees to share. Also, define one or two main business objectives you want to achieve.  
  • Set up your LinkedIn Elevate Account: Once done, explore the trending industry topics and explore the broadcast button to share the article.
  • Measure the impact of the program: The LinkedIn Elevate dashboard offers metrics that help to measure the impact. Check metrics like trends, reach, engagement, employee share rates, and top broadcasts.

8. Utilize LinkedIn’s Learning Solutions

80% of Fortune 100 companies leverage LinkedIn Learning to empower their employees with the right skills.

LinkedIn Learning is a cohesive training solution. It helps employees to develop the best skills to advance their careers. The solution encompasses a library of over 18,000 expertly curated online courses across 7 languages. You can find a variety of courses on subjects like business automation, artificial intelligence, communication software, digital transformation, and much more.

linkedin learning

LinkedIn Learning facilitates business growth by:

  • Empowering employees to build the right skills with updated and relevant content
  • Help organizations stay agile with individualized career growth
  • Integrating learning into the tools and platforms that employees use every day for better learner engagement

LinkedIn Tips and Tricks summarized 

LinkedIn is constantly evolving to offer viable growth opportunities for businesses. Whether you wish to grow your business network, drive quality traffic to your website, manage your online reputation, or generate business leads, implementing these LinkedIn tips and tricks will help you achieve that. Marketers must exploit this platform to take advantage of the new business landscape and ensure sustained growth.  

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