After launching Instagram Stories in August 2016 and Messenger Day in early March 2017, Facebook launched the Stories feature on their platform as well in the end of March of this year. Facebook stories are similar to Instagram and original Snapchat stories in which they are on a profile for 24 hours, are generally pictures or short clips with effects possibly added to them.

To add a Facebook story, use the Facebook app for iOS or Android; in the top left corner, you can press on the camera after which you can add the post to your feed. Next to this icon you can see the feeds of your Friends and interact with them.

Direct messaging can also be done between friends after which your posts disappear after a while, just as in Snapchat. These features can only be used on the mobile apps with no possibility to access them on laptops or desktops; not even through the Facebook app

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Read also:

  1. How can my business use Facebook Stories/Messenger Day?
  2. How do I use filters in Instagram Stories?
  3. How do I check my stats for Instagram Stories?