Right now, you can add Facebbok, Twitter and YouTube competitor’s profiles to Sotrender.

Once you have adde competitor’s profile to Sotrender, you will have access only to public data (non-insight data). Demographics, reach, impressions will not show up.

How to do it?

Adding competitor’s Facebook profile:

  • Log in to Sotrender.
  • Click on “Add profile” and select Facebook.

  • Choose Facebook and go to the “Competition” tab. In the search bar, you can put the URL code from Facebook or just type the name of the profile.

And it’s all done! Now you just have to wait a few minutes for the system to download the profile’s data. 

How to add Twitter or YouTube competitor’s profile?

The process of adding a Twitter/YouTube competitor’s profile is very similar as described above. You only have to remember to select the proper platform.

Currently, there is no possibility of analyzing Instagram competitors’ profiles in our application. However, we can prepare a comparative report upon request. If you are interested, please contact us on sales@sotrender.com.