Posts tagged with sotrender

Do you search for keywords?

No. Sotrender can help you to better understand the behaviours of users on your profiles (i.e. we measure different kinds of engagement), what they like, what they are interested in (content that engages them the most) or the times where they are the most active on social media.

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Why do I have to authorize Facebook with my private account? Is it obligatory?

Sotrender needs access to your personal account to gather data from Facebook Insights, which gives you detailed statistics about your Pages. After authorisation we don’t have access to your private data such as private messages and public activity. We don’t gather any data about your activities on your personal profile.

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Why do I need Sotrender?

Sotrender is not only bare-bones numbers – we give you data-driven tips customized to your profiles. Tips are based on your performance as well as your competition. You can read more about Sotrender’s tips on our blog. What’s more, you can observe any of your competitors profiles and learn from both their successes and their […]

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What is Sotrender?

Sotrender is an analytical platform that measures the efficiency of social media communication. It is also a Facebook moderation tool that you can use to moderate your Facebook ads and posts. Open our app and create your trial account!

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