Posts tagged with advertising

Who should I follow on Instagram?

The answer to this question will depend on your marketing and PR strategy. However, there are a few groups of people who you should follow no matter what. Follow these rules to ensure that your business is kept up to date.

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Should I promote my YouTube videos?

You should try. The key to success on YouTube is to reach new audiences and convert existing viewers into loyal fans. One of the ways to gather your audience is through paid advertising campaigns in AdWords for video. AdWords is a tool that displays ads that for your YouTube advertising campaigns.

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Should I promote my tweets?

Yes and no. It is becoming increasingly important to promote your tweets because of Twitter’s algorithm. However, it is not necessary to promote every tweet, and some tweets might just succeed on their own. And since you have spend money to promote a tweet, you’ll want to be sure you’re money isn’t wasted. You should […]

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