Make the most of your Page with Sotrender!

Are you (or still can be) a part of Sotrender and think you know everything about our tool? Well, we’re here to surprise you. Today we’re going to show you how can you use our old features in a new way, analysing and improving things that you thought you could. You may have avoided or never used some of these features, but it’s better late than never!

Some features have changed. Refer to our most recent product update here!

Read through our article and share your insights with us.

1. Get to know your audience even better.

Did you know that you can find out a lot more than just the reach, engagement, and age of your target group? Facebook Insights doesn’t offer this data – but we do. You can see who and got engaged on your Page and how.

Where can I find this feature?

You’ll find it in the Reporting section of the user panel. Simply open it, find ‘Community Ranking’ and then click on ‘See more’ to show more detailed info in a new tab.

Why is it beneficial?

Lots of agencies use it, and that’s because:

  • It provides them with a lot more than the top 5 most engaged users. You can analyse pretty much your whole Facebook Page audience, helping you know more about them, identify potential ambassadors, or reward them for being active & loyal or in contests. Understanding your target group is vital to your success, offering unique perspectives for your marketing strategy.
  • It offers useful insights. You can go to profiles of e.g. top 10 and see what kind of content they like to engage to, what are their interests. If you’re interested in an even more detailed report, this article can help.
  • At first sight you can judge the engagement your content gets by looking at the ‘engagement rate’, also visible in the Reporting section. Community Ranking, by showing your days of activity for example, offers insight into  how involved your audience is (to find out what is Interactivity Index, click here).

2. Make the most of negative feedback

Hey, unlikes happen. It’s all fine and good. That is, until they start happening too often and too regularly, and you don’t see a reason why. ‘Negative feedback’ is a feature in Sotrender that will help you find the answer.

Where can I find this feature?

You’ll find it in the Audience section of the user panel. Simply open it, find ‘Negative feedback’ and then click on ‘See more’ to get more detailed info in a new tab.

Remember – you can see this feature only for profiles you have access to.

Why is it beneficial?

  • You can analyse your content and compare it to the number of unlikes you get. Have you just started a controversial campaign? Are you promoting other brands? Did your company re-brand, totally changing their values? There are a lot of reasons that would make people unlike your page – and you should identify them as soon as possible.
  • A lack of negative feedback can mean that your content is “well-fitting”. If your audience doesn’t have to hide any posts, they probably like them.
  • The ‘reporting spam’ will also interest you – seeing a high volume of posts that were reported may help you rethink your strategy. 

3. Do you even care about your reach? 

If not, it’s a high time for you to start. Your reach demographics tells you a lot about your marketing efforts. Are you reaching your target group? You can lie to yourself, but that stats won’t do the same.

Where can I find this feature?

You’ll find it in the Audience section of the user panel. Simply open it, find ‘Reach demographics’ and then click on ‘See more’ to get more detailed info in a new tab.

Why is it beneficial?

  • Is your business usually local? then ‘Top Cities’ should be the one you work with. If it is full of cities you don’t have your services in, or not even in your country, it can mean that someone bought you some fans from somewhere else. From eBay, a lot of people from a contest you arranged, or maybe your marketing campaigns just need to be optimized.
  • Your target group is defined, but it doesn’t reflect in your stats? Maybe that’s why your content isn’t engaging – because it doesn’t reach the right  audience. Try to change your social campaign settings and check your selected target group twice.
  • You haven’t specified whether you want to reach men or women, but it seems that you reach more women? Keep it in mind – and think about preparing some more “male” oriented content. Keep an eye on the stats at all times though!

4. Use Tips as a Checklist

It’s not only about numbers – it’s about written customized hints (data-driven, based on your page activities and performance) as well. Follow them to make your page perform better.

Where can I find this feature?

You’ll find it in the Optimization section of the user panel. Simply open it, find ‘Tips’ and then click on ‘See more’ to get more detailed info in a new tab.

Why is it beneficial?

    • Analysing statistics on your own may be tough. Not everyone can or even wants to do it manually. Our algorithms do the job for you.
    • Crossing out all of Sotrender’s tips from your list means that you’re doing your best (with a bit of our help) to improve the performance of your page.
    • Hints are really useful and can point out some errors as well as your best practices, based on your stats.

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5. Response time matters!

Some brands don’t look at the ‘Brand’s Response’ section because, for example, they disabled messages on their pages. Response time is brand’s answer to mentions and users’ posts (not answers to comments!). For others, observing this statistic is crucial – find out why.

Where can I find this feature?

You’ll find it in the Optimization section of the user panel. Simply open it, find ‘Response Time’ and then click on ‘See more’ to get more detailed info in a new tab.

Why is it beneficial?

  • For many, social media is an additional or main communication channel with brands. And customers don’t like waiting for responses. Brands with good response times means they have good customer service.
  • Response time can be scaled – make it a KPI and take care of your customer satisfaction.
  • In some industries, this time is essential – thanks to quick answers, a lot of problems and potential crises were sorted and solved (e.g. banks, carriers, food delivery services).

Fanpage trends UK 12.2016  -> click 

6.Where do they all come from?

What’s the best way to gain likes? The results may surprise you.

Where to find this feature?

You’ll find it in the Audience section in the user panel. Simply open it, find ‘Source of Likes’ and then click on ‘See more’ to get more detailed info in a new tab. Remember – it concerns only profiles you have access to.

Why can it be beneficial?

  • You can judge whether or not to invite people to like your Page – if it works best, try to keep them coming.
  • Not too many likes from your Profile page? Make it a bit more inviting. Think about choosing a new profile, cover photo, or pinning some posts. It will also reflect in your ‘Hovercard’ statistics (Hovercard is a little pop-up box that appears when you hover the cursor around the name of your FP on a desktop).
  • Mobile can be a cheap way of getting some new followers. If you get only a small percentage in this field, maybe some mobile campaigns would be worth your while.

7. #whattopublishdrama

What should you publish on your Page? – That is the question. And we know the answer! Of course, it has to be consistent with your marketing strategy, but also with the results that it can deliver! ‘Top posts’ come with tons of data you can’t wait to analyse (well, Sotrender analyses a bit for you – it’s up to you what you’ll do with it further!), and ‘Content strategy’ will also be useful.

“Top posts”

Where can I find this feature?

You’ll find it in the Reporting section of the user panel. Simply open it, find ‘Top posts’ and then click on ‘See more’ to get more detailed info in a new tab.

Why can it be beneficial?

  • You simply see what works for your brand  and how – without spending time or money on something that doesn’t deliver results.
  • It gives you an idea of repurposing your content – if it works wonders for your page, maybe it’s worth writing about it on your blog or sharing it on other social media platforms?
  • Some posts grow organically – then you don’t need to spend money on their promotion, and spending that money elsewhere.

“Content strategy”

Where can I find this feature?

You’ll find it in the Optimization section of the user panel. Simply open it, find ‘Content strategy’ and then click on ‘See more’ to get more detailed info in a new tab.

To make it work, you need to create “tags” first and attribute posts to them.

Why can it be beneficial?

  • By tagging posts already posted on Facebook and gathered in Sotrender, you can check their performance in created groups and inspire yourself to create more content like it.
  • Visible help in creating posts that work best and grow organically.

8. Competitors don’t sleep!

We covered this topic a little in our article about benchmarking. Copying is not alright, but keeping an eye on what your competitors are doing and getting inspired is just fine. To avoid missing out, try creating benchmarking groups.

Where can I find this feature?

Open the Comparison section in the user panel. Create a new group with your added profiles.

Why is it beneficial?

  • Revealing your competitors’ marketing secrets makes things easier. A lot of reactions? Maybe their content is better now? If it remained the same, it can mean they started investing a lot more in Facebook Ads, for example.
  • It can help improve your strategy. Your brand is less engaging? Tough luck, my friend – you need to change something in your content or campaigns.
  • There are far more features in the Comparison section – e.g. Fans growth. Spectacular growth may be a result of a marketing campaign for Page likes – as nowadays people rather interact with posts than Pages.
  • What else – you can check the type of content your competitors use. This may be the reason why they perform so great… or bad.

We truly believe that you have your favourite features in Sotrender and ways of using them – and we’ll be more than happy to hear about them in the comments. Maybe we could even tell you about other ways of using what you love 🙂


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